Black & White Copies Printing


Calculator for b&w copies printing quantity

* Minimum 25 Copies *

We welcome all file format.

Recommended: JPG, 300dpi, Color Setting to CMYK.

Note: If your file is a Word Document or PDF which contains multi-pages,
we will assume that 1st page is front and 2nd page is back.
Please upload your multi-page file just once.

Files Prep Guide


Price Calculator

(Min: 25, Max: 5000)
Printing Price: : $11.25
Click "Calculate Shipping" for GRAND TOTAL : $11.25

What documents are allowed for black and white copy printing?

All documents and file types are welcome. Even those file formats that no one ever heard about, we are ready to transform them into printable ready art files for you, at no additional cost. 

When preparing your document to be printed in black and white (greyscale), make sure the graphics and text comply with the correct tones, so the printout will outstand the different tones used for the document. For example, while designing a document in full color, the "red text" jumps out really easily to the eye of the reader, but, when printed in greyscale, a "red text" might just look like a grayer low inked text.

Text difference for color and grayscale

Can we include Images for our black and white document?

Yes, images, graphics, and photos are all welcome in your document. We strongly recommend converting them into grayscale before sending us the art, so you have a better idea of the final outcome of your document looks.

Sometimes, images in full color are readable and easy to understand. Once you convert them into grayscale or black & white, contrasting images and text within the image, could become too similar shade and become hard to read or understand.

FREE Black and White tests

At 55printing, we are happy to assist you with this, even before you pay, we can process the color conversion of your document or graphic design, free of cost. Just get in touch with us via CHAT, call or email and we will guide you through the process to send us your file and then receive an APPROVAL email where you will be able to see the art in grayscale before it goes for printing.

Difference Between digital and offset grayscale printing

It is good to be aware that we are currently offering only DIGITAL black and white copy printing for this particular product. No offset press is used for producing your document unless we find it convenient for the customer, but we shall communicate any change of plans before proceeding.

  • Digital grayscale printing looks soft and smooth like the shade shown below that goes from black to white with an unnoticeable grade of color change in the process.
  • Offset grayscale printing looks more like the image below (right dotted square) where we get the shades out of a lack of points in a very small manner that is not even visible to the eye unless a loop is used or very close attention to the document is presented.

digital vs offset black and white copies printing sample test

How fast are these copies printed?

Black and white copies are the fastest printing product available in the market. We usually print and ship copies within a day, after art approval by the customer. For larger printing orders, we recommend allowing an additional day.

If by any chance you need your order delivered exactly before a date (deadline), please contact us prior to placing the order to make sure the situation is handled correctly and you get the copies printing and delivered within your timeframe.