Envelope Printing


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Envelope Printing

Marketing Your Business with Envelopes

Marketing collaterals of all types are used by the business houses to reach out to the target customers. Promoting a business is a non-stop process but requires continuous effort. To ensure steady growth, proper endorsement of the business is important.

Ways To Custom Printed Envelope

What you print and how you print on an envelope can make a huge difference. The difference between getting it opened or discarded. For any business house, the whole point of mailing the custom printed envelopes is to compel the recipient to open them and go through the content.

Market research is very important to come up with interesting envelope prints. Often designers of leading printing companies use online templates and free designer tools for envelope designing and printing. But for custom envelope printing, certain pointers must be kept in mind.


  • Budget: Cost of printing matters for small businesses. When going for envelope prints, decide on the budget. Accordingly, you can choose paper stock and envelope size for your needs. Similarly, if you are on a low budget, you can choose color options, such as only front and back colors excluding inside colors.


  • Size: Reputed envelope printing company can offer you multiple size options for envelope printing. Starting from the smaller size like 3.875” x 8.875” to a standard size, i.e., 4.125” x 9.5”, many more options are available. Depending on what you are going to mail, the envelope size must be picked.


  • Printing Process: The printing process can also make a huge difference in print quality. Whether you are going for offset or litho or digital printing, the result of the prints would depend. Based on the print quantity, the printing technique must be picked. However, each printing technique has its own set of advantages.
Envelopes Should Meet the Marketing Needs

Do you want your target audience to open the envelopes? For that, you will need to make the envelopes attractive. But the task of selecting an envelope is not an easy task. To get hold of the best-quality envelopes, working with a high-quality printing company is very important. A good envelope printing company would ensure that the envelopes are best suited for business.

A quick search and you will come across many printing agencies that would offer quick envelope print services but all of them might not be good for your business or business needs. So, it’s important to identify the right printing agencies that can provide quality prints.

Working with a professional agency for custom printed envelopes can help you to get quality envelopes for your business. They can print envelopes fast by taking the help of various printing technologies. On top of that, they will ensure that your envelopes are top-notch.

Why Envelopes Are Gaining Popularity?

It’s a known fact that envelope printing is gaining a lot of popularity nowadays. With the EDDM campaign still holding a place in society, envelopes are of real importance. They can outscore digital campaigns as the response rate from direct mail is more or less 5%; whereas, the response rate from emails is 0.10 or 0.12%. For this reason, many businesses are not slowing down with direct mail campaigns through postcards with envelopes.

Here are a few reasons that show why custom envelope printing is gaining popularity. Read on.

  • Promotional Tool

The first and foremost benefit of custom printed envelopes is that they would help to communicate with the recipient. Even before they open the postcard or the letter, the brand name gets flashed before the eyes of the recipient. Thus, offering a glimpse of the business and its associated services, even if the business is new to the recipient. A customized envelope can be used for establishing the brand and allowing the recipient to understand the business.

  • Make Mail Stand Out

The attention span of people is getting short. Based on a recent report, the attention span of people is not more than 8 seconds. Hence, within those few seconds, a business needs to grab the attention of the target audience, or it might lose them.

If you mail a boring-looking envelope, it might get overlooked by the recipient or even forgotten. However, to make your envelope stand out among the sea of mail your target customer receives, an attractive envelope design is important. For this reason, it’s important to add a company logo or beautiful designs to it. Then the quick envelope print has a chance of standing out.

  • Showcase Creativity

Apart from standing out from the crowd, customized envelopes offer the opportunity to showcase creativity. People are always looking for an opportunity to get bowled out or get captivated. They can be impressed with envelopes that can come with enticing photos, illustrations, and more. A recipient would surely take interest in such things and connect with the business. The exquisite designs of envelopes can make one fall in love with the brand.

  • Powerful Personalization

Consumers are more likely to buy products or services from brands they recognize easily or are recommended by their friends or relatives. So, if you don’t make your brand recognizable, it won’t help you in getting leads or sales. With envelope printing offering the scope for personalization, businesses can carry out their branding. With personalized details of the brand present on the envelope would more likely force the recipient to closely look at the envelope and make decisions.

It won’t be a bad idea to work with a dedicated envelope printing company for good-quality envelope prints. They would focus on printing envelopes as per the postal regulations. Also, their designers can offer free email proofs of the envelope designs that a customer mails to them before taking it for printing.

Looking forward to promoting your brand? You can do that with custom print envelopes and mail them to your target demographic. It would create instant brand awareness among customers. This would eventually help businesses to get more leads and sales in the long run